Thursday, February 14, 2008

New poll (please vote) - new contacts - and other website updates

Hi Sonrise,

We've been working on a few new website updates, and I'd like to expose you to a few highlights.  Mostly importantly, please vote on our poll!

New Poll
We've posted a new poll asking for your perspective on the vision for Sonrise's growth.  As we continue to grow, we are still very much concerned with your personal spiritual growth and creating the best possible environment for that.

Voted in the primaries?  Now vote at your nearest Sonrise precinct.
Didn't vote in the primaries?  No prob--redeem yourself at the Sonrise poll!

New Bible Studies Blog
Frequently people tell me how much more they get out of Bible studies when they get to read the passage ahead of time.  We're trying to make that easier by posting passages on a dedicated Bible Studies blog before each study and posting handouts afterward.  You can even post questions ahead of time or comments/follow-up questions afterward!

New Contacts
We are well underway in our leadership transition quarter and have posted contacts/pictures for our new leaders and their ministries.  We're blessed by their willingness to serve and desire to let Christ be invested in our lives on and off campus.  Please keep our leaders in your nightly prayers! (or come to a prayer meeting!)

And of course, if you'd like to get involved in serving now or in the future months, it's never too late.  Just let us know!

Post Past Handbooks and Other Documents
As our Sonrise Google Groups becomes more active, it's a great time to explore some of its additional features.  You may have noticed the Files section, where we post Sonrise Songbook updates and other files.  I know many of you have spent lots of time on retreat/banquet handbooks and other art or documents.  I'm sure that fellow sonrisers would love to use them for their ministries, so please post them here!

Built-in Blogs and Discussions
Because of our several blog/groups/main sites, we've collected and embedded them into our main site.  Now when you click on Discuss or Blogs, you'll be taken to view these sites right from within the Sonrise website.

Prayer and Mission Ministry Pages
Prayer is an oft unrecognized bedrock of any Christian fellowship.  Sonrise is no different!  Check out our new Prayer Page for prayer meeting updates.  There's also been talk of a first-ever Sonrise Missions trip.  We've all talked about "medical missions" about joining one for a week?  And of course--let's keep this in prayer!

New Website Notes Blog
Wondering about some newfound website quirk?  Looking for the latest updates?  The new Sonrise Website Notes keeps you up-to-date with known issues and new features.  You can even post comments/feedback on how we can improve the site!

Many thanks to Ken for his continual suggestions/feedback on the website!  If you have any thoughts or questions, I'd love to hear from you.


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